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From Distraction to Action: Tools and Tips for Maintaining Concentration

| Published in Articles

Picture this: You are writing your assignment that you have to submit the next day. You are focused on writing but a sudden noise outside of your room distracts you. Now, your whole focus has been shattered and you are curious about that noise.

Similarly, any notification on your mobile, any exciting news on television, and calls from your friends could distract you. Initially, you will get frustrated with these distractions but gradually, you will start looking for them when they are not here.

In this era, we are surrounded by various kinds of distractions. The major one is digital distraction as we have to use edTech tools for teaching and learning purposes. Though these tools provide a lot of benefits to educational stakeholders, they are also a major source of distraction.

That's why, we are going to discuss different tools and techniques to manage distractions and how to remain focused on the work. This article aims to help you transition from distraction to action.

Understanding of Focus and Distractions

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, once explained focus as “Focusing is about saying ‘no’”. It is a mental state when we pay attention to one task and forget about all other tasks that are around us. It means that it is an act of prioritization where you concentrate on one thing and forget about all other things.

While on the other hand, distraction is a natural phenomenon that diverts our attention from one task to another. It is rooted in the brain's default mode network (DMN) which becomes active when we are unable to focus on our tasks due to any noise or our chaotic surroundings. DMN leads us to daydreaming, self-referential thoughts, and mind-wandering.

Aspects that are Sapping Our Focus

There are various aspects that are sapping our focus and leading to a lot of distractions in our lives. 


Different researchers have proved that our brain is not made for multitasking. The research found that three in four employees multitask during the day. They think that switching between tasks could complete them at lightning speed. But, in reality, this method is less productive.

Dr. Shahar Yousaf, who is a cognitive neuroscientist, says that whenever a person multitasks, he pays a tax on his time and energy. There are more chances that he would not be able to complete his tasks, would be less productive and commit a lot of errors.


There are various EdTech tools that are helping us in various fields. They aimed to enhance our productivity and management skills, help us learn new skills and enable us to collaborate with our peers. But, this technology is also sacrificing our focus.

Email and messaging tools play a major role in distraction. Non-ending notifications, emails, and messages could divert the attention of people as they feel pressured to respond to messages immediately. The research found that it took a person 20 minutes to come back to the monument after a distraction.

It means that if you check your inbox three times in a two-hour study session, half of your time is wasted in multitasking. Studies have shown that smartphones and social media apps cause anxiety and depression among people. It leads to distraction and less focus on the tasks at hand.

Dr. Sahar Yousef found an interesting fact regarding technology and attention. He found that long virtual meetings cause more psychological drains than face-to-face meetings. It causes a cognitive workload that could result in less focus on the tasks at hand.

Lack of Clarity

When you have a lack of clarity about your projects, you don't know on which task to focus. It means you don't know which task you should prioritize and on which task you should say no. This lack of clarity is majorly due to a lack of communication or instructions from your teachers or seniors.

Another reason for it can be that you lack direction or purpose in your life. If you don't know what you want to achieve in your academic or professional life, you will find it difficult to prioritize any task.

Tips for Maintaining Concentration or Focus

Good Nutrition

You should take care of yourself so that your brain can function properly while you are doing tasks. It includes drinking water from time to time to keep yourself hydrated. It ensures that your brain gets enough fluid so that it can remain active and focused.

Moreover, having a healthy breakfast at the start of the day is also necessary. If you are hungry and your body doesn't have enough nutrients in it, it could lack productivity. So, having a full meal for breakfast and healthy snacks throughout the day could help you focus.


The research found that regular walking around helps focus. Exercise keeps our body and brain active, avoiding becoming sleepy. So, regular exercise is essential especially if your work demands you to sit at a desk the whole day.

You should dedicate a time block for exercise. Walking into nature can also have a good impact on your mood and brain. Taking small breaks in between your tasks to do exercise could be a best practice.

Sleep Well

Just like food and exercise, sleeping is also essential for our body. We need 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day so that our brains can remain sharp while doing different tasks. Lack of sleep can have a toll on our memory and focus.

But, sleeping for a significant hour is not enough. You need quality sleep that is possible only through a routine. You should avoid heavy meals, screens and caffeine before going to bed. Having a peaceful environment for sleeping is also essential. Moreover, you should do different bedtime activities, such as reading and meditating, so that your body can know that it is time to sleep.

Time Management

Having a proper schedule is essential to remain focused on your task. There are various time management techniques that you could apply in your life.

One is the Pomodoro technique. In it, you need to dedicate 25 minutes to a task and get a five-minute break. The other is time blocking in which you can use different AI planners to make a routine where you dedicate specific time blocks to a task. You can even dedicate time blocks to your eating and relaxation. It would help you in avoiding multitasking.

Removing Digital Distractions

You should remove all kinds of digital distractions from your workspace. It means you should leave your mobile or digital device in any other room if you don't need it during your tasks. You could mute your mobile to avoid a notification bell.

Moreover, you can install various app blockers such as Freedom to avoid notifications from distracting apps while you are working. You can use various focus apps such as Focuswriter, Omm Writer and Writer Monkey to boost your focus while you are doing tasks. You can use noise-cancellation headphones, too, to avoid any kind of noise.


Complex and large goals could cause a lack of clarity that would cause distractions. So, a person should break down large goals into small and manageable ones through the SMART strategy. 

This strategy includes achieving small tasks within a specific time frame. Small goals require you to focus for a small amount of time, so there are fewer chances of getting tired and distracted. Once you complete a milestone, it will give you the motivation to complete other tasks, too.

Manage Tasks in one Tool

You should manage all of your tasks in one tool to remain organized. Cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Yousef used to write all the important tasks their team had to complete in a day. Those tasks were written, updated and presented in one tool for everyone to access. The scientist noticed a 28 percent enhancement in productivity and a 42 percent reduction in burnout.

So, anyone can use this strategy to manage their tasks. There are various tools on which you can write your tasks and share them with your peers. For example, Monday is a productivity tool that allows you to add daily tasks and enables you to keep an eye on your progress. 

Focus on Environment 

Dr. Yousef says that our brain creates various cognitive associations to enhance its productivity. For example, if you clean your desk and sit down to study, your brain will create a stimulus. Next time, when you clean your desk and sit on your chair, the brain will know it is time to study. So, you should create an environment to develop cognitive associations.

Moreover, having natural landscape pictures in your office or study room can also be helpful because they can enhance your concentration.

Recap of From Distraction to Action

In short, transitioning from distraction to action requires you to understand the reasons for distraction and have proper strategies to avoid it. You should know the reasons why your focus is diminishing and what strategies you could apply to enhance your focus. It involves avoiding digital distractions, taking care of your well-being and mental health, having structured breaks, developing a specific environment and much more. In this journey, you can get help from different digital tools, too.

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