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Tutoring and Attendance: A Miracle Solution or a Myth?

| Published in Ed'Insights

Historical Context

Over time, tutoring has played a very integral role, and it has changed from being an additive support into an essential tool in reducing learning gaps and improving student outcomes. Traditionally, individual or small group tutoring has been around for ages, only that it was primarily meant for a select few, such as the wealthy or those who could pay for the service. Nonetheless, with the introduction of organized education systems in the 19th century, the scope of tutoring began to embrace more diffused approaches, with the focus of supporting students from different backgrounds.[1][3]

With respect to these facts, in the late 20th century, evidence pointed to positive educational gains as a result of tutoring interventions. A seminal study carried out by Benjamin Bloom in 1984, “2 Sigma Problem”, to put forth the idea that with personalized instruction, one-on-one tutoring sessions would be much more effective than regular classroom sessions in attaining significantly high achievement levels. This further suggested that formats of learning that would be tailored to individual students were likely to have a dramatic impact on the educational opportunities available to the different students. A statement such as this has exactly paved the way for the growing infrastructure for tutoring as an acceptable measure to assist learning for students attending various schools.

The use of DRAMA in education is quickly becoming a well-known educational approach and its application is spreading all over the world. As the programs of personalization in education are progressing, the role of DRAMA is further expanding. Its importance lies in the direct involvement of art as a means of expression. A specific storyline can be told through acting and movement as well as through words. Words, movement, images and sounds alongside art are essential components and serve for the fuller engagement of students. Even the idea of having students use drama to teach them self-control skills is rapidly gaining traction.

In the area of education, DRAMA as an independent approach in classrooms and other specific activities along with its general application to a subject were exercised. Students and their instructors applied drama techniques to Polish classes but also made use of elements from characterization, theater study, video-making and concept-art writing. These approaches greatly improved the students’ engagement and involvement in Polish language classes and subsequently, their motivation.

The Argument for Tutoring

Over the years, tutoring has shifted from an optional and supplementary educational component to a core part of the education process with benefits covering academic and personal aspects. The effect it has on students’ performance, on their learning and growth of competencies as well as equity in education shows that tutoring is indeed indispensable in this day and age of schooling.

Customized Education and Focused Approach

To begin with, one of the main strengths of tutoring is the ability to learn according to a program that has been designed according to the goals of the student. In a regular classroom scenario, where a teacher has to cater to a myriad of pupils at the same time, he/she may find it difficult to devise a one size fits all strategy[9]. This type of individual intervention is especially helpful to children who have learning disabilities or other special requirements where a friendly environment is needed and teaching approaches might evolve[9].

In addition, tutors are not only meant for students who need help; there are tutors for students who are at an advanced academic level who have the intention of furthering the subject or topics and assigning them advanced activities and homework to sustain their motivation[9].

Improved Education Results

The Academic effect of tutoring programs is proven to persist. Such programs have an overall pooled effect size estimate of systematic disintegration of about 0.37 standard deviations. Teacher-led tutoring has always been seen to produce better results. Even though even among the ranges, the impact of reading has a high effect size among young students, in later grades there is a rise in the effect size [3]. Furthermore, it’s established that math tutoring tends to have more effect in the later grades than early [3].

Sanchirico claims that in school programs are more useful than after-school work[3]. Moreover, the meta-analyses on the effectiveness of this approach is greatly lacking in present literature; more research is needed on the efficiency of NCLB’s policy [3].

Social and Emotional Improvement

Apart from being an academic enhancer, tutoring has also shown to assist children in boosting their overall performance. This equalizes children and makes them feel that even though they are low scorers, they are believed in by someone and they are not alone in the world [12]. If done in a proper format, the approach may benefit students, as forming such close bonds with the children creates a strong sense of attachment, and in turn assists with their motivation and engages them throughout the learning process [13].

When applying an asset based approach to tutoring that is aimed towards enhancing learning performance, children are made to focus more on their strengths, without putting too much emphasis on their weaknesses [14].

Correcting the Gaps in Educational Equity It should be stressed that once again high-impact tutoring addresses the more fundamental educational inequities. Reading books on education or working with a tutor after school can provide additional support for classroom learning, thus helping students from low income families during the school period. This integration makes sure that every learner irrespective of their situation gets the guidance and resources that are necessary for their social and academic wellbeing Looking Into the Future of the Educators Providing English Support To Tutors is also a mutually beneficial endeavor: it gives new educators practical work in class and as well professional growth.

They can practice how to teach a lesson through tutoring and help them get confidence in themselves. By providing structure and mentorship, tutors in programs can be a development phase of educators so that the education quality does not go down in the future. The Importance of Attendance There is a connection between how often students go to school and how well they do in their studies based on the studies done. One of the more acknowledged effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a rise in student absenteeism namely pronounced among Latino suburban and rural areas which raises red flags to educators and parents. Additional studies have found that pupils with higher attendance are associated with more favorable educational outcomes in standard GPAs.

Attendance Improvement through High-Impact Tutoring

Low student attendance can be improved in the course of high-impact tutoring sessions according to studies completed by the National Student Support Accelerator. Based on their analysis, children who had an enrollment in tutoring sessions for a duration over 90 minutes in a week improved their attendance on days when they had missed 30% of the previous term at business class by 5 days. With the utilization of the high-impact tutoring model set in place, students not only find themselves succeeding academically, but they also feel a built fostering sense of belonging and community, allowing them to address greater issues surrounding equity and access [15].

Keeping Students Present in the Classroom

Attending class can often become cumbersome for some students, interfering with their attendance. But states and districts have adopted approaches to maintain high class attendance from children. There are a number of cases where effortful family involvement was injected into the schooling structure including home visits and constant communication which ensured that attendance did not fall below standard rates [8]. In addition, due to the positive approach, a lot of students began enjoying school and frequenting which eventually reduced their rates of absenteeism.

Also, learners are aided in a selection of support schemes which school implement to assist them in overcoming their attendance, behavioral and performance issues ensuring that no child is left unattended t. To respond to the posed question regarding the difficulties behind online ma tutoring, there is widespread assumption that the process of elimination encompasses both the difficulties posed by one to one and conventional teaching/interventions as well as those encountered by the educated youth. In this study, It also aims to explore the challenges faced by educators and how education technology can be used to tackle these issues. Such dual burden is referred in the literature as ‘contextual’ and ‘community mediated’. On the micro level in one-on-one teaching narrowing would be explained as the relationship built between the tutor and the tutee.

While with community mediated teaching which describes the difficulties posed by one overly talented educated youth and society would encompass the power imbalance that exists within the cohort being taught. Personal tutors and personalized learning One of the important features of personalization is how. It appeals for remedial actions with those who are finding it difficult to cope with the existing levels or targets being set which incorporates the tired teachers who are encountered with overcrowded classes. In reply, one important element of effective tutoring is the idea of learning retention. Taking into consideration good material is presented and the students are interested, setting a pace and expecting interaction at the tutors’ pace will not work.

Greater Involvement and Assurance

Studies have indicated that students will participate more in the school and have greater self assurance about their learning capabilities once they are in a tutoring program. Getting tutored consistently leads to students doing better in other classes, for example, learning gets Affects one’s attitude positively. Transformation is the experienced outcome for a student who is provided additional academic support, for the first time an education forms a positive experience, making it easier for them to understand.[1] Such a shift encourages students to view learning as an empowering journey, which can have long-lasting impacts on their academic trajectories.

Overcoming Educational Obstacles

But tutoring also serves a pivotal function in helping students with particular difficulties and their learning problems. While standing in a classroom when a teacher is lecturing to the whole class more often than not, only a few or an additional percentage of students will require attention because of their learning problems, while the remaining do not need additional attention. Teachers usually, find it extremely hard to pinpoint and help every student with unique problems. However, Through pupils’ individual lessons more precisely targeted and more skilled tutors can help students solve these challenges and adjust. Many students will benefit from a string of individual lessons; for instance, students who have difficulties in mediation approaches for constructing new mathematical concepts will cope better when they are taught these techniques individually. [20]

Encouragement of a Growth Mindset Furthermore, personalized tutoring enhances the growth mindset of students, the concept that intelligence and all other abilities can be acquired given time and effort. This mindset empowers students to view their shortcomings as areas in which constructive improvement can be made; this boosts their performance in school and also helps them navigate through real world situations. Through evidence-based advice and words of affirmation, students are made to comprehend value of self-directed learning among students’ reflection on their academic self. Effective Tutor-Student Relationships Quality teaching and learning practices are inclusive of high-quality connections between students and tutors bespoke relationships with students. Having a number of lessons to allocate can demotivate a student if a tutor does not engage him/her emotionally to his/her interests which can improve their engagement with the sessions. This relational aspect is critical, as students who feel connected to their tutors are at higher probability to show efforts in their learning and engagements in the sessions. Demographic Variations in Tutoring Impact Tutor programs in general differ in their effectiveness and how reliable they are particularly among the student population. Tutors indicate that students’ performance in the terms of enhancement is influenced greatly by socieconomic, cultural and educational characteristics.

Socioeconomic Factors

Low-income students are usually at a disadvantage since they are unable to access the high-quality tutoring services. Statistics show that only 23% of students who were qualified participated in any state funded tutoring services throughout the “No Child Left Behind Act” which was made to helps the low-income families[19]. There is also a growing glaring gap in the expenditure on education aid with upper-income households spending nine times more in 2007 per child than lower income households[22]. This gap in financial could promote

Cultural and Linguistic Considerations

This also points out that cultural and linguistic differences may influence the effectiveness of tutoring greatly. Empathetic tutors able to identify the cultural differences that exist amongst their students are able to foster an all-inclusive teaching environment. They apply techniques of teaching that relates to the student’s past so as to lessen the culture barrier and enhance comprehension[18]. Such strategies are useful in making the students regardless of their societal status comfortable and able to learn.

Understanding Different Styles and Approaches to Learning

One of the significant responsibilities of a tutor is to ensure the individual requirements of a student are wholly fulfilled. For example, students that require help from specialists on learning issues may improve substantially when aided with a novel approach to building rapport meaningfully engage with people and concepts.

Students’ Performance and Rehabilitation

These do indicate that there have been improvement when students interacted with the mathematics tutor. In the case, with respect to literacy and mathematics apart from barely passing out to almost achieving an entire year of learning the difference of struggles with just the subjects, indicates that.Close to four more when getting deep impact teaching in addition close to ten in high math school. However, such Students who are resource insufficient as frequently pointed out lack enrollment to such powerful Initiatives. In turn, educational factors such as a more conducive environment ie teachers aiding within the pupils and in this case more range of demographics to amplify opportunities that are at the right time are important.

Shortcomings and Critiques

Throughout the world experience, students in greater numbers have Failed in coordinated guidance however this gap roughly Katherine collate within the context of a large learning loss during the pandemic calls for a larger response to the problem in dire need of amid such an increase of dropout students and absenteeism as well worsened substantially for the sudden move to online remote teaching during the pandemic period.

Effectiveness of Tutoring Programs Performance

It should be noted that one of the main problems is the quality and location of the tutoring service centers needed for students attending this program. The global private tutoring industry has been estimated to be worth US$173 billion as of 2020, however, this remains greatly inaccessible for students from underprivileged socioeconomic backgrounds[5]. There are many tutoring centers that operate at an unsatisfactory level and do not have proper staff training standards. Research indicates that effective tutoring requires well-trained tutors who engage with students multiple times a week; however, this is not always the case in many programs[5].

Therefore, the disparity in de In the form of inequalities in the global system, the effectiveness of tutoring for students, as an intervention tool aimed at solving absenteeism and learning gaps, can be reduced.

Challenges in Tracking Attendance and Engagement Participation

Another deficiency is the intricacy of the attendance and engagement of the students to the tutoring sessions. Engaging students in tutorials can take many shapes due to the tutors having personal sessions or group sessions.

Accurate evaluation of both attendance and dosage which relates to the amount of time spend on the task is not an easy feat[7]. To make matters worse, accomplish inter school and interdistrict data collection consistency is necessary in order to further ensure outcome reliability but this hinders a precise assessment of the influence of tutoring on the participants’ attendance rate[7].

Contextualized Analysis on Absenteeism

Diving deeper into the problem, one would discover that chronic absenteeism as an issue also adds another layer of complication with its existence. The coronavirus catastrophe worsened of the issues with the chronic absenteeism and for the last year, estimates suggest around one in four missing students (26%) can be deemed as chronic absentees, instead of the mere 15% during pre-pandemic times[7]. While learning gaps that students might possess can be resolved through the means of tutoring, it is also important to aim for the bigger picture and the social and economic resources which contribute to absenteeism and seeking the solutions through tutoring might not be the best solution.

Overview of Case Studies in Tutoring

Educators and researchers find case studies to be effective in determining which techniques and strategies worked best by providing them with the opportunity to analyze those cases. These case studies assist practitioners in investigating real-life situations to find out the most important elements to focus on in order to implement effective tutoring practices. These case studies allow tutors to change their approaches in teaching to better the student’s learning outcomes[25][26].

Success Stories from Online Tutoring Platforms

One of the successes was an online platform that managed to reach a much broader audience during the COVID-19 outbreak. Such a tutor managed to reach students from other parts of his country and even students from other countries as well, because of the use of different technologies such as video conferencing and interactive whiteboards. This adaptability not only made the tutor popular but also helped to raise the income as a result of the positive publicity, over the effectiveness of one on one instruction coupled with trust building to the parents and students[25].

After-School Programs and Parental Involvement

Furthermore, another case study looked at a different after school tutoring and mentorship program targeted at K-12 students hailing from low income households that had issues with reading and math.

The end goal of the program was relatively good, unfortunately, it was not successful in helping the students with their academic achievements. The qualitative research in question was conducted to comprehend the perception of both parents and teachers about the program in order to understand the role of improved parental involvement in furthering the education of students. It showed that parents, students and teachers’ social interactions also play a crucial role in the student's educational experience emphasizing on Vygotsky’s social constructivist theory[26].

High-Impact Tutoring Design Principles

It is a known fact that for lower income students individual in-depth tutoring is the best way to help improve their academic performance, for students within that demographic, it could be said that it is the most effective means to improve their performance. But for a tutoring scheme to work, it has to have a good rapport between the tutor and students, it also has to be in a small group and have regular sessions. 


  1. Tutoring Pre K-12: Evidence and Resources
  2. The Impressive Effects of Tutoring on PreK-12 Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence
  3. 10 Reasons to Take Tutoring and Improve Your Academic Performance
  4. The Importance of Tutoring In Developing a Positive Learning Environment
  5. High-Impact Tutoring: Family & Caregiver Toolkit for School Districts
  6. The Impact of Online Tutoring on Student Mental Health
  7. The Psychological Benefits of Tutoring: Boosting Confidence and Motivation
  8. Early Findings Show Evidence that High-Impact Tutoring Increases Student Attendance in D.C. Schools
  9. Want to Increase Tutoring Attendance? Do These 10 Things
  10. Transform Student Outcomes with High-Impact Tutoring
  11. Can Tutoring Help Reduce Student Absenteeism?
  12. The Impact of Demographic and Behavioral Factors on Student Performance: A Data-Driven Analysis
  13. Learning Loss Win-Win: High-Impact Tutoring in DC Boosts Attendance, Study Finds
  14. The Critical Role of Attendance and Dosage Data in High-Impact Tutoring
  15. Raise The Bar: Strategies to Improve Student Achievement
  16. How Tutoring Improves Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
  17. The Top 16 Benefits of Tutoring
  18. High-Impact Tutoring: Equitable and Effective Learning Acceleration
  19. 10 Benefits of Tutoring Services
  20. The Importance of Tutoring Support for Low-Income Student
  21. Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Say
  22. Policy Considerations for Tutoring
  23. Does tutoring work? An education economist examines the evidence on whether it’s effective
  24. Initiative aims to create high-impact tutoring programs at schools across the U.S.
  25. Case Studies: Success Stories in Online Tutoring – Revealing Effective Strategies
  26. Parents' and Teachers' Perceptions of a Parental Involvement Component in Afterschool Tutoring
  27. Design principles for accelerating student learning with high-impact tutoring
  28. Design principles for accelerating student learning with high-impact tutoring (updated june 2024)

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