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Gamified Education: How a 16-Year-Old is Redefining Personalized Learning with AI

| Published in Interviews

In a world where education is rapidly evolving, propelled by technological innovation and a growing need for personalization, one young high school student stands out. At just 16, Adrian is reinventing the way students interact with knowledge with his Infinilearn platform. Designed to combine the power of artificial intelligence with the appeal of gamification, Infinilearn transforms learning into a personalized adventure.

In this interview, we dive into the story behind Infinilearn's creation, exploring how Adrian acquired the skills needed to develop a learning platform that stands out from other tools on the market, and how he envisions the future of education. Through his journey, Adrian proves that age is no barrier to innovation, and that the future of education could well be in the hands of young pioneers like himself.

Can you tell us the story behind the creation of Infinilearn? What inspired you to develop this platform?

I'm 16 years old, and a homeschooled sophomore in high school. I wasn't always homeschooled, in fact I was in the public school system for about half of my formal educational experience, up until about 6th grade. I was really struggling in the one-size-fits-all system and just couldn't find the lessons engaging or interesting. My mom pulled me out of the traditional school system and we went on our own journey, building a custom curriculum personalized to me. 

This wasn't enough for me. I wanted to bring the experience to kids nationwide, and until the recent arrivals of GPT AI models this wasn't possible. In early 2024, I started working on Infinilearn, with the goal of making the ultimate education platform. Nearly 9 months later, we just launched on the Apple app store and are coming soon to VR, Android and Chromebooks.

At just 16, how did you acquire the skills needed to design a platform as complex as this? Were you helped by mentors or experienced developers?

I read a lot - books, articles, I'm a self-taught programmer and first learned web design, then moved onto Android and finally started developing for VR and Apple platforms. Growing up, I would always be the tech support in the house and had to just figure things out. It might sound repetitive, however, the fact that I have flexibility of learning has allowed me to explore my passions. I'm also grateful to my parents for exposing me to Computer Science at a young age, and of course, I owe everything to God.

What sets Infinilearn apart from other online educational platforms? What are the main innovations you've introduced?

Infinilearn is a gamified/personalized education that can adapt across all subjects, grades and roles. Students love Infinilearn because they can transform education into an adventure with our gamified system. Systems familiar to students (leaderboards, XP, levels, quests, streaks) makes education a blast and personalization (learning the users likes, dislikes and interests) helps the socratic AI - Guide - learn about the user and adapt content to make it easier to digest/understand. Teachers, school admins and parents love Infinilearn for its advanced AI-assisted analytics, ease of use and content generation.

Imagine Ana, a 7th grader in Riverside school district, transferring to a new school in Los Angeles. Ana likes learning, but falls behind sometimes and now is worried on how she's going to do with a new teacher in a new school environment. Infinilearn could make the transition stress free, when it comes to learning at least. Growing up is hard, parenting is hard, teaching is hard, Infinilearn is here to alleviate some of that weight.

In another case, imagine Jake, a freshman in high school struggling at school. His parents were full time and didn't have the time to help him and can't afford tutoring. Infinilearn can help Jake, any time, any place, for an affordable price.

What type of schools or educational programs do you think your tool would be best suited to? Public, private, homeschool?

Infinilearn can adapt across any educational setting, whether it be a small homeschool group/private school, or an entire public school district. The platform can even go worldwide, AKA hint hint investors welcome 🙂

Why did you choose to gamify learning? How do you think this improves student engagement?

Platforms need to adopt technologies students are familiar with and that are proven to incentivize, gamification is a proven technique not used enough in education platforms, yet, is nearly essential to keep students motivated by showing them short-term and long-term rewards.

How does the personalization aspect of Infinilearn work? Can you explain how AI adapts content to students' preferences?

Infinilearn learns from the student as they progress along their learning path. When you chat with Guide - the socratic AI - when you state you like something, dislike something or express an interest it will get saved to a separate list and given back to Guide when you create a new conversation. Therefore, every time you chat with Guide, it knows everything about you and can make analogies and references accordingly, you can also chat with Guide while completing a module and it will know everything about what you are currently working on.

Finally, what advice would you give to other young people your age who want to get involved in innovative, technological projects?

Stop waiting, don't wait for permission or the perfect moment. The world belongs to those who have the courage to follow their curiosity and create something new. After embracing my age, I realized youth isn't a limitation – it's your superpower. You have boundless energy, fresh perspectives, and nothing to lose. Start building today, embrace your failures as lessons, and remember that every expert started as a beginner. The tools to change the world are literally at your fingertips, we have the internet and for the first/only time in human history, vast knowledge is open to all. The only question is: what dent will you make in the universe?

This interview was conducted between Adrian Martinez and the EduTools editorial team.

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