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How Elicit AI Tool is Helpful For Researchers?

| Published in Learning

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  • You could ask a question and it would provide you with a detailed answer by pulling out the information from research articles.
  • It provides you with a list of research articles relevant to your keyword along with abstract summaries.
  • The answers contain source links.
  • It provides detailed metadata of research articles.
  • It is integrated with Zotero and Mendely.
  • You could star articles to collect them in a collection.
  • The tool sometimes provides false information so you have to be careful.
  • It doesn't have any apps.
  • It is not good for dealing with facts or information that is not in academic research papers.


Table of Contents

Around the year, almost 10 million academic researchers keep working to provide valuable information to the audience. They try to access 2.5 billion journal articles online each year. Unfortunately, they find it difficult to access quality resources. They have to spend hours researching because they don't have relevant and quality tools.

It takes almost 15 clicks of researchers on average, multiple logins into different platforms, dead links, and waiting on endless redirects to get access to one quality journal article. The researchers have to write quality literature reviews to make the foundation of their research. However, due to the unavailability of quality tools and time wasted in finding relevant research articles, researchers failed to write high-quality literature reviews.

To help researchers in this aspect and to speed up their research process, Ought company developed Elicit.

What is Elicit AI?

Elicit has trained language models and advanced artificial intelligence technology to speed up the research workflow. You can find relevant research papers without even writing the perfect keyword. Just add one question or keyword to it, and the tool will provide you with all the relevant articles. Its language model generates synthesis and abstract summaries of each research paper to help you understand it without even reading it. Moreover, it helps with brainstorming and text classification.

Almost 2 million people are using this tool for different purposes. Researchers at Google, Stanford, NASA, and the World Bank are using Elicit to speed up their research process. It contains almost 125 million academic papers from the Semantic Scholar corpus which covers all the academic disciplines.

Key Features of Elicit AI

Providing a Synthesis

Suppose you ask a question to Elicit. In response, it will provide you with a synthesis. This will contain the main findings of the top research articles. So, synthesis is actually a detailed answer to your question that the tool has taken from research papers.

Abstract Summary of Each Research Paper

The tool will provide you with a bunch of research articles while responding to your question. For example, you ask a question about the effectiveness of vitamin supplements. In response, Elicit will provide you with a synthesis after analyzing four to six research papers. 

Beneath the synthesis, you find a list of 15 research papers relevant to your question. Each of these papers would have a two-line abstract summary in front of them. This summary will tell you what this article is about and whether it is useful for you or not.

Getting Metadata

There is the option of adding different metadata filters to know more about your research papers. For example, you wanted to know from which journals the tool has suggested you research papers. So, you could click on the journal filter from the metadata, and it would provide you with a table in front of the research papers. That table contains the names of journals in which these articles are published. 

Similarly, you could add author, research material, methodology, and other relevant metadata columns in front of research papers. These metadata columns will help you select the most credible and relevant research paper for your literature review.

Answering Questions

Suppose, you have a research article in the form of a PDF document. You are trying to understand it but failing repeatedly. So, you could upload this document on Elicit and ask questions related to it. The AI platform will provide you with the answer.

Or, you could ask questions from research articles that Elicit has pulled out for you.

For example, you insert the question: “Whether physical exercise is beneficial for productivity or not”. In response, the tool provides you with a synthesis along with fifteen research articles. The synthesis contains very general information about your question. You want to know the types of physical exercises that are beneficial for productivity. So, you could add this additional question. The AI will create a new column that contains the type of exercises discussed in all fifteen research articles. Just like the abstract summary and metadata, the answer will also be in the column form infront of each article.


Every AI-generated answer will contain the source link. You could click on the link to go to the precise part of the article from where AI has taken the answer. In this way, you could double-check the AI-generated answer.

Starring Articles

You could click on the star option in front of your favorite research articles and they will be collected in one list in your Elicit account. It would be easy to find them later on. Moreover, the tool will send you notifications when anyone cites your starred article or will show you the previous articles where it is cited.

Open Full Documents

You could click on the research article links to read the full text. With it, you could read its metadata too. It includes the number of citations, what are the possible outcomes, how it is criticized by others, and which papers have cited it.


Elicit is integrated with Zotero and Mendely. So, you could send the AI-generated data to these platforms. With it, you could export it as a CSV file too.

Pricing of Elicit AI

Free: You can get unlimited searches in this package. Unlimited summaries and chats with 4 papers, adding two columns to your table, and extracting data from 10 uploaded PDFs are available in this package. You could view sources for answers and export them to Zotero.

Plus: Get unlimited chats and summaries of 8 papers at once. Adding five columns to each table, extracting data from 300 uploaded PDFs per year, and everything in the basic package is available. You could export the data in RIS, BIB, and CSV format. It is for 10 dollars per month and billed 120 dollars if you go with the yearly plan.

Pro: It is available for 42 dollars per month or 499 dollars per year. Extracting data from 1200 uploaded PDFs and adding 10 columns per year is in this package.

Custom: In the custom package, you could get top-priority customer support and invoice-based billing.

Wrap Up

Elicit is one of the best AI research article tools that contains some premium features that are not available in other tools such as Paper Digest. It allows researchers to speed up their research process by getting high-quality research articles through one click. They don't have to sign up on different platforms to access journals or research articles. Elicit makes sure that it takes out highly relevant and good-quality documents from the Semantic Scholar corpus. It also provides all the sources and links for you to double-check. It has a free version that is enough for individual researchers and students.

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