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Courseau: AI-Powered Course Creation Platform for Teachers

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  • There is unparalleled speed of content creation.
  • Automatic creation of outline and Learning outcomes feature is in it.
  • Robust analytics features to track and analyze learner engagement.
  • SCORM, PDF export and embedment in different website options are available.
  • No free trial is available.
  • There is no payment gateway or marketing tool in it.
  • Its basic subscription tier is expensive.


Table of Contents

Typical education methods include placing 20 to 30 students in a classroom where they all have to learn through the same method and pace. It is difficult for a few students as everyone has their learning preferences. Some prefer visuals, some prefer activities, some audio and a few prefer reading methods to understand any topic. To explain it, Pearson and Gallagher (1983) give the model of “The Gradual Release of Responsibility”. It states that each child learns at an individual rate. Some may need more help than others. For this, individualized learning methods and curriculum should be a part of the classroom.

Sarah O'Rourke states that personalized learning is only efficient when teachers conduct appropriate strategies. They should know different methods to effectively implement personalized learning. For this, they need help. Fortunately, there are various AI tools to assist them in creating personalized lessons and activities. Among them, the most helpful one is Courseau.

What is Courseau?

Imagine you are teaching a concept through a video in the classroom. But, some students are finding it difficult to understand it because they prefer reading. Or, you are sharing any PDF document, blog or book with students but they are finding it difficult to comprehend. So, what can you do? 

For this, you can utilize Courseau AI platform. This platform can convert any YouTube video, PDF file, book, blog, document, audio file, video files and web pages into an interactive course. It means that it converts existing knowledge into an interactive course. The course will have an outline, in-depth content, key takeaways, quizzes, and assignments. Each lesson of the course contains almost 400 words with different activities such as quizzes, examples and actionable steps. 

It utilizes the GPT-4 model so the content is of high quality. It is simple to understand with various headings and bullet points in formatting. Moreover, you can get output in more than 120 languages which makes it ideal for multilingual students around the globe. 

It has successfully created 62,095 lessons so far. Moreover, different famous companies such as Zapier, Stanford University, Arizona University, NHS, Boys and Girls Club, Startup Harbour and Penn have utilized this AI tool for content creation. Let's discuss some amazing features of this tool.

Features of Courseau

Easy and Fast Course Creation

A lot of educators or course creators know how to create a video or audio file or they can write eBooks or blogs on various topics. But, they don't know how to teach it to their students. For this, they can consult Courseau. They just need to give their input and it will give them a course within one minute. It can generate outlines and learning outcomes along with the lesson plan for educators within a few seconds. It uses an AI transcription feature that ensures the quality of content is top-notch. There will be no mistakes in the content of the course. 

Interactive Material

Courseau ensures that the course content is interactive and meets the needs of every student. For this, teachers can add quizzes, examples and actionable exercises in each lesson. These exercises and quizzes are ideal for kinesthetic students. Teachers need to select these options while giving the instructions for creating the content. So, Courseau will automatically generate it with each lesson.

Moreover, teachers can add multimedia elements to the course. This platform provides the option to embed any link, video, picture, audio file or any other type of multimedia format in the content. Moreover, it allows audio courses in its enterprise plan too. So, it makes sure that visual and auditory students can benefit from these courses. In the future, it is going to introduce gamification, presentation mode and AI image generation aspects too.

Editing Features

There are various editing features in Courseau to ensure that your course content is reliable and helpful for your students. You can regenerate each lesson if you are unsatisfied with the quality of the content. You can reorder lessons in the course or hide any if you want. You can regenerate the whole course by editing the learning outcomes.

Moreover, you can edit quizzes. If you are not satisfied with any quiz, you can edit it by giving a prompt. You can add any question or delete any too. At this moment, you can add any one correct answer to the quiz section. But in future, you can add more than one correct answer to any question too.

Multiple Languages

It supports almost 120 languages. It means you can get the output from it in multiple languages. Its basic plan supports over 100 languages output so you can create a course in more than one language. You can also choose the style of any language, for example, American English. If your desired language is not on the list of this platform, you can let Courseau know. The platform can add it for free.

Monetizing the Course

This platform is not only for educators but for all content creators or course creators who want to earn money from courses. They can generate any course with existing material through this platform, edit it if they want and sell it with ease. Unfortunately, there are no marketing tools or payment gateway on this platform. So, you need to export it and utilize different platforms to sell it. Mostly, people use Gumroad and Thinkific for this purpose. Moreover, they can use website builders such as Wix, Square space, WordPress and Typedream to utilize e-commerce features to sell their courses. You can download your course in the form of audio, PDF document, embedding the link on your website or SCORM Export.

Analyzing Analytics

Courseau is not an LMS system but it can integrate with any SCORM-based LMS system. This integration gives teachers an analytic dashboard to keep an eye on the progress of students and provide them feedback. Some SCORM-based LMS systems are iSpring, TalentLMS, 360 Learn and many more. 

Branding Features 

Entrepreneurs, course creators and sellers can use their logo or branding colors in the course. This AI platform gives them the option to select their colors or add any logo if they want. So, this branding helps them in marketing and selling their course. 

Pricing Plans

This Berlin-based AI tool provides three pricing plans.

Basic Tier: The basic tier is for individuals, small teams and entrepreneurs. It is available at 99 dollars per month in which you can get 50 credits. Each credit will generate one lesson from one course. In it, you can get GPT-4 generated content, learning outcomes, outline generation, SCORM export, multiple language output, PDF download, interactive elements, branding, PDF downloads and analytics.

Enterprise Tier: This tier is for universities and big course creators. It is available at 299 dollars per month and gives more than 200 credits. It includes all the features of the basic tier with custom integrations, audio lessons, priority support, AI image generation, presentation mode generation and organization accounts features.

Hosting Plus Tier: This tier is for those people who once had a basic or enterprise tier but now they have unsubscribed it. They can't edit their courses until they buy a hosting tier. It is 19 dollars per month and gives unlimited editing and hosting features. You get 20 lessons regeneration, editing features of every course, PDF download or SCORM export, analytics and branding features in it.

Free Trial Account of Courseau

Unfortunately, it has no free tier or free plan. In the past, we could create one minicourse for free from it but this feature is no longer available. If you want a free trial account, you have to request them. 

To request the account, you have to tell them your role and why you need Courseau. To receive a free trial account, you need to have any of these roles: Professor, Instructional designer, HR professional, potential enterprise partner or learning and development professional. 


In short, Courseau is a top-notch AI course creation platform for entrepreneurs, educators, institutes and every individual who wants to share information with the world. This AI platform ensures personalized learning in the classroom with the help of a vast range of interactive mediums in the course. It helps teachers or entrepreneurs to explain concepts in multiple languages and methods. They can take help from vast multimedia content for creating personalized activities for the pupils. So, all entrepreneurs and educational stakeholders should give it a chance to bring innovation in teaching methods.

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